(English follows)
Microsoft Azureの利用拡大に伴い、NN Life Japanでは、クラウドCloud InfrastructureチームにてAzureクラウドエンジニアを募集しています。
Azure クラウドエンジニアは、Cloud Infrastructure Managerの直属の部下として、Reliability Engineering Lead、Enterprise Architect、ITカストディアン、セキュリティ、運用リスク管理(ORM )様々なステークホルダーと一緒に仕事をすることになります。
【主な職務内容 】
〇Reliability Engineerと協力して、ランディングゾーンの構築やフェイルオーバーテストの実施など、ディザスタリカバリに備える
◎ 必須条件 :
◆ Azure及び他社のクラウドサービス上で構築・管理・運用の経験がある方
◆ Cloud/On-Premiseのハイブリッド環境でインフラエンジニアの経験がある方
◆ IaC言語とツールの経験があること (例:Terraform, Azure DevOps Pipelines, など)
◆ 日本語を母国語としている、または母国語並みに会話と読み書きができる方
◆ 英語読み書きスキルと簡単な会話スキルがあること
◆ PowerShellなどのスクリプト言語、gitなどのソース管理ツールの使用に慣れていること
◆ AZ-104及び類似資格
◆ Business Continuity Planと Disaster Recoveryの経験があること
【Personal Attributes】
〇優秀なコミュニケーション能力と、サポート部署や 他のエンジニアとの適切なコミュニケーション能力
【待遇/ Treatment】
・ 報告先/ Reporting To:ラインマネージャー Line Manager
・ グレード/ Grade:G15-G16
・ 募集人数/ Open Position Number:1
・ 雇用形態/Employment Status:正社員 Permanent Employee
・ 受入可能日/Expectation Start date:ASAP
・ 勤務地/ Office Location:Fukuoka Office
(福岡市中央区天神一丁目10番20号 天神ビジネスセンター)
◎ 福岡市内にお住まい(もしくは福岡市内に転居予定)で、福岡市内のオフィスに通勤できる事が条件となります
The Technology Foundation Division responsible management of NNLJ’s Infrastructure Platform environment.
With the growing footprint on Microsoft Azure NN Life Japan is now looking for a dedicated Azure Cloud Engineer to join the Cloud Infrastructure team.
【Position Summary】
The Azure Cloud Engineer will be reporting to the Cloud Infrastructure manager and working closely with Reliability Engineering Lead, Enterprise architects, IT custodians, Security as well as the ORM (Operational Risk Management) team.
The cloud engineer with professional experience and knowledge of Azure would help us to maintain a secure and reliable cloud platform, improve our service quality and meanwhile expedite our delivery.
【Key Accountabilities】
〇Identifying, analyzing, and resolving cloud platform issues
〇Providing cloud platform support and making recommendations based on requester needs
〇Applying cloud solution best practices to meet project requirements
〇Working with reliability engineers to prepare for Disaster Recovery including building landing zone and conducting failover tests
〇Performing and Troubleshooting Disaster Recovery to ensure business resiliency during major IT outages
【Skills, Knowledge, Experience】
◎ :
◆Working knowledge of Microsoft Azure or other cloud platforms
◆Working experience as an infra engineer in a hybrid environment
◆Experience with IaC language and tools (e.g., Terraform, Azure DevOps Pipelines, etc.)
◆Native or equivalent level Japanese
◆Conversational English
◎ Certification & Experience in one or more of these areas desirable :
◆Comfortable with scripting language like PowerShell, and source control tool like git
◆AZ-104 or equivalent certification
◆Experience with Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery
【Personal Attributes】
〇Energetic and positive in attitude; can do mentality to all tasks; dynamic and flexible
〇Ability to challenge, with high levels of ownership, organizational skills and attention to detail
〇Strong learning agility
〇Ability to deal with conflicting situations
〇Ability to work independently in a timely manner
〇Exceptional communication skills and the ability to communicate appropriately with supporting functions and other engineers
〇Strong relationship building and interpersonal skills with the ability to work with stakeholders on security, architecture, compliance and other engineering teams
〇Handles well in high stress situations and tight timelines
〇Team Player
・ Reporting To:Line Manager
・ Grade:G15-G16
・ Open Position Number:1
・ Employment Status:Permanent Employee
・ Expectation Start date:ASAP
・ Office Location:Fukuoka Office
Tenjin Business Center
10-20 Tenjin 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City