The United States Department of State, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Office of the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (PM-DDTC) is responsible for the regulation of defense trade through the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) and its implementing regulations, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). DDTC regulates temporary and permanent exports and the temporary import of defense articles, defense services, and technical data involving items on the United States Munitions List (USML). DDTC regulates the brokering of defense articles, defense services, and technical data. DDTC maintains the registration of manufacturers, exporters and brokers and issues export authorizations. DDTC administers the commodity jurisdiction process, a formal USG decision process to determine which specific items are controlled by the USML or by the Department of Commerce’s Export Administration Regulations. DDTC ensures compliance with the ITAR and AECA through its support of criminal enforcement actions undertaken by the Department of Justice, civil enforcement actions initiated in-house, disclosure program through which companies are encouraged to report violations they have discovered, and pre- and post-license checks to confirm that goods are being shipped as authorized by the export license.