Title : Advanced Systems Engineer
Duration : 8Months
Location : Raleigh, NC
Experience supporting the planning, development, installation, testing, integration, implementation and support of the hardware, software, and communications components that comprise a large, multi‐ platform technology infrastructure. In support of an Enterprise wide deployment to retail point of sale systems, resources are needed to plan, develop, test and document the process for conversion to new software in a computer development laboratory. Once tested, the support will be required for the installation and integration of the software, hardware and telecommunications components during the production roll out to over 40,000 terminals
Required Skills:
• Microsoft’s Active Directory, Windows POS_Ready operating system and security patch management.
• Scripting processes to automate tools and utilities are essential in developing efficient conversion processes.
• Enterprise wide conversion processes.
• Deployments to distributed systems.
• Software packaging.
• Testing and working in engineering lab environments.
• Troubleshooting, identifying, analyzing, and solving problems at customer sites for POS hardware, software, and telecommunication related issues.
• Develop and test a process to monitor and report on the progress of terminal conversions.
• Knowledge of Escher software or other Retail System software.
System Engineer Function:
Experience writing automated scripts and automated software conversion processes.
• Ability to work in multi system, multi‐vendor environment
• Ability to test automated scripts and automated software conversion processes for distributed software deployment to Point of Sale terminals.
• Experience working in a test lab environment, developing and testing multiple end user scenarios .
• Ability to provide end user support and troubleshoot deployment conversion issues quickly.
• Ability to develop and document procedures and processes.
Should someone need more information I can be reached at naveen(@)mitresource.com and Ph : 203-567-0129