Unless already commissioned in the Reserve Air Forces the successful applicant will be required to be commissioned in the Royal Air Force Reserves with a liability for call-out for permanent service.
The appointment is on Full Time Reserve Service (Limited Commitment) TCoS in accordance with AP 3392 Vol 7 Part 1 and AP3392 Vol 7 Part 3 Chapter 2 for an initial period of 5 years.
Confirmation of appointment will depend on successful completion of a RAF Medical Board. Personnel who do not meet the Age/Permanent Joint Medical Employment Standard (PJMES) may apply for the appointment but will only be considered subject to an executive waiver process on a case-by-case basis.
Candidates who have been out of regular or reserve service for more than 5 years may be considered for this appointment. Prior approval must be sought from the relevant Professions Advisor to confirm current and past experience prior to being invited to interview.
Applicants of an equivalent rank from sister Services may apply but will only be accepted into the Royal Air Force Reserves if an appropriate Professions advisor can be identified to sponsor the applicant. The relevant Profession’s advisor approval must be agreed before the interview.
Regular Service Applicants. Personnel currently serving in the Regular Royal Air Force should be mindful of the current Early Termination Minimum Waiting Time (MWT) for their respective Rank, Profession and ensure this MWT is compatible with the post sponsor’s proposed start date, prior to applying.
Ex-service candidates who have been administratively discharged through the KR1027 process will have their applications rejected as they are not eligible to join the RAF Reserves in accordance with AP 3391.
Pension Issues. Personnel who qualify for a service pension should take financial advice from Defence Business Services (DBS) Pensions Department on the effect that undertaking reserve service has on their pension (details can be found on the JPA splash screen). Additional guidance can also be found at https://www.gov.uk/guidance/pensions-and-compensation-for-veteransand MMP116 - Re-employment. Of particular note is reference to the ‘Effect of Re-employment’ on Commutation and, for those leaving on a ‘preserved’ pension, the Resettlement Grant.
Transition between TCoS. Personnel taking this appointment from other TCoS should consider the impact on any accrued entitlements, such as leave, resettlement etc and should seek specialist guidance where required as certain entitlements are TCoS specific and may not be retained or transferred on transition between TCoS.
Flexible Working Arrangements. In accordance with the Flexible Working (FW) Policy, Reserve personnel can request FW arrangements with their line manager. Any immediate FW requirements should be agreed with the line management at the interview stage.
Individual Reinforcement Training (IRT) (Module 1) and RAF Fitness Test (RAFFT). Reserve personnel are required to maintain currency in IRT and the RAFFT iaw the relevant TCoS. The successful applicant will be expected to undertake IRT and the RAFFT within 6 months of commencing employment (if required).
Annual Salary and Leave. Pay will be in accordance with the pay scales published for the reserve air forces. Leave entitlement is detailed in JSP 760.
Accommodation. Personnel serving on FTRS(LC/HC)/ADC TCoS are eligible to occupy Single Living Accommodation (SLA) if available, at entitled rates, if serving within the Air Command TLB.