Each Chan Fellow is assigned to work at a non-profit organization in the United States that addresses a critical social need. With support and guidance from program organizers, the internships are designed to help the Fellows gain practical experience in service work and inter-cultural cooperation. Fellows live in American homes for the full duration of the program. They also attend seminars on non-profit organization management and community development, cultural events, as well as mandatory weekly reflection meetings while in the United States.
Application Instructions, including forms that need to be completed and uploaded, can be found here: http://lingnanfoundation.org/how-to-apply/
DECEMBER 16, 2018 - Deadline for both SYSU & LUHK students to submit online application (LUHK students must submit all documents on this date.)
JANUARY 4, 2019 - Deadline for SYSU Students to submit recommendation letter, SYSU Graduate School Approval Form, and transcript. (Special allowance for SYSU students only)
Sun Yat-Sen University Students ONLY please note: Due to special circumstances, if needed, SYSU students are allowed to have more time to gather and submit the following required documents: letter of recommendation, Graduate School Approval Form, and/or Grade Transcript. SYSU students should submit these documents no later than Friday January 4, 2019 at 11pm China time. (LUHK students should submit all required documents by December 16.)
- If submitting these documents between December 17 to January 4, then email them to Rona Henry, Director of Grants, Programs and Operations at the Lingnan Foundation at info@lingnanfoundation.org. All documents should be submitted in one email – with an email message that includes your full name and the list of documents you are submitting.
- NOTE: When applying online to the Fellowship by the December 16 deadline, if you do not have the letter of recommendation, Graduate School Approval Form, and/or Grade Transcript, for each of these documents you may instead upload a “placeholder” document that states your full name and the name of document(s) that you will be submitting by January 4, 2019. This will satisfy the online application system’s requirement to upload a document, while communicating to us your plans to submit the document(s) by January 4.
Other Important Dates:
- Applicants who have been selected to be interviewed will be notified by December 31, 2018.
- The in-person interviews will take place on January 12-13, 2019 at a location to be determined.Applicants should hold these dates in case they are invited to be interviewed.
- For selected Fellows, there will be an orientation program held in June 2018 - that selected Fellows are REQUIRED to attend. The date of the orientation program has not yet been set but is likely to be June 21-23, 2019.
- The Fellowships begin in August 2019.